30 October 2008
Be who you Are.
22 October 2008
Random thought.
I was browsing through a section entitled Used Books.
And I remember thinking suddenly:
Funny. Used books. Used books. How does one use up books? By reading them the first time? Used books.
What if it's they who are using us?
Scary thought.
17 October 2008
16 October 2008
If you were a film...what would you be?
15 October 2008
Llamame Azul.

13 October 2008
In case you didn't know.
I suppose people should learn from this.
If you have to hear Madea say it out loud first in order to realize its truth then you have to recite this to yourself every morning right after you dream and before you wake up so that this message becomes a rule engraved in the armour of your chest.
It's an innate knowledge that you're already born with.
But some people refuse to listen.
So I hope that this reminds you why you're here.
It makes Life so much easier.
08 October 2008
Everybody has a Theory.
- from Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
07 October 2008
He talks about you like you put the stars in the Sky.
06 October 2008
La Boheme - The Philippine Operatic Company Staging.
Because no matter how organized and strategically placed you teach or direct them to be before the curtain rises, the after part always is an entirely different matter. Their performance was so-so at most, relieving and fresh the first 10 seconds they arrived on stage, and then again so awkward to watch while the whole thing was going on because not only did they look like a group of ants, complete with plastic joy written all over their faces, suddenly running amok - they also moved in one large group, all 20+ so of them - at one point they were a massive wave moving from one end of the stage to another and when they closed in around Musetta's former paramore (ie The Old Guy who Gave a Supremely Amazing Performance) their shocked and amused "laughter" looked so staged and...sa Pinoy, sobrang plastik that you wanted to cringe and slide down your seat to hide until they went away so you could breathe normally again.
- La Boheme is the number one and most loved opera in the world.
- The entire cast in this production has large potential.
- Approximately four people in the cast has absolute out-of-the-ballpark operatic voice and acting abilites and fierce stage presence (one of them is the boy who sang a little solo and who therefore outshined the rest of the younger-aged cast)
- BLAME THE DIRECTOR for concoting this modernized, half-assed, unthought out, mechanical, awkward and just BAD staging of this dynamic and timeless opera.
02 October 2008
Time's unexpected Expose.