Singapore is already on the issue of prioritizing their citizens over foreign workers for local jobs.
The Philippines, however, is still on the issue of dealing with a
completely corrupt and backward government, with all the old politicians still vying for the same, if not higher, positions so they can continue to "serve" the country in the coming elections.
Most (although not all) of our politicians in Government have already
proven themselves useless to us. Have they fixed internal graft and
corruption that happen within their buildings daily? (Because, heck,
where DO our taxes go?) Have they been able to help ease the intense
poverty that roughly 95% of our countrymen still face? Do we have
sufficient military equipment and military training to defend ourselves
and our country in case World War III breaks out (North Korea, anyone?
How about the unwavering and increasing tension between us and China
over the Spratly Islands?)
As of February 2013, the Government was in talks to buy TWELVE (12) FA-50 fighter jets from South Korea.
TWELVE fighter jets to defend our ENTIRE country from potential foreign
invaders, you ask? Oh yes, have I mentioned that before this pending
purchase we didn't have a single fleet of fighter jets to rely on? Zero.
Nada. Zip. At least, not since we retired the last of our old pitiful
fleet in 2005. Don't believe it? Follow this link:
Where are the new faces? Where is the new brand of Philippine
Politicians who have the actual credibility, transparency, education,
PASSION for OUR country, and LOVE for our fellow countrymen? Those who
know the basic Kindergarten rules:
1. Stealing is Bad
2. Lying is Bad
3. Killing (especially for your own political gains) is Bad
etcetera, etcetera...
Where are those who are educated and knowledgeable enough, as well as
courageous and honest enough to stand by their own convictions, and who
will say: Dear Catholic Church, the RH bill is going to save our
country, not bring it down, as you are doing with your Press Releases
and Highway Billboards spewing misinformation about it to the masses.
Most importantly, when will a government politician finally come to
make sure that our laws are FINALLY actually and consistently
implemented? One word, folks: EDSA.
The thing is, this new
breed of Government Officials is merely a misty dream in the corners of
our eyes because the truth is: our government does not give the younger
generation anything to look up to, to want to emulate, to want to
What do we have? An uncomfortably large amount of
Actors, Children of Actors, Sportsmen, Children of Former Politicians
who understand nothing about Good Politics (Nancy Binay, I'm talking to
you) and over all: people who are famous, but not qualified to change or
lead a country to progress.
In the end, I just hope that all voters reading this knows that the power to bring about this monumental change is with us.
Let's commit to voting wisely.
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